Tim Uhler - Awesome Framers

Tim Uhler

Tim Uhler - Awesome Framers

Meet Tim

ISOtunes User Since: April 2019

Industry: Construction

Home: Washington, USA

I love the product, very reliable.

Tim Uhler - Awesome Framers


Which ISOtunes model is your current favorite & why?

FREE, no cord and reliability

What do you typically listen to on your ISOtunes?

Music, podcasts

Why are you an ISOtunes' brand ambassador?

I love the product, very reliable

What inspired you to get into your chosen industry?

My dad

What is the most challenging part of your line of work?

Labor shortage and I'm getting older.

How did you become a content creator?

By accident. I am a hobby photographer and started on Instagram just to share photos. Instagram was an afterthought for construction. My editor at Tools of the Trade encouraged me to take IG more seriously, so I did.

How do you stay motivated in times of chaos & stress?

I didn't know I had a choice not to be :-)

What is something you are most proud of?

My marriage to Nicki. July will be 22 years and I love every second of it.

Words to live by?

Stop being anxious, each day has enough of its own troubles.

Fun fact about you.

I'm a sucker for British period dramas. Anything Jane Austen

Which job has been the most challenging for you?

2 recent basement foundations. My framing partner left and I had no one experienced to help. It was a constant anxiety, but we grinded through it and got it done. Bad weather, hard work, stress made it tough.

What are future goals as your career grows?

To work less on the jobsite. I'm getting older and its starting to hurt, so I'd like to work a little less and focus on other things.

How would you describe your perfect day?

Hiking with my wife and friends, enjoying the heavy breathing and views.

When do you feel most at home?

With friends

Favorite part of your daily routine.

When I come home and Nicki is already here.

Three words that describe you.

Try to laugh

Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself?

Yes, always listen to good music.


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